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Broken Bones and How They Heal

Broken bone or fractures are synonyms of each other.  A bone can be broken or fractured completely & partially fractured in number of ways such as crosswise, lengthwise or in multiple pieces.
Common types of fractures or broken bones in humans include:
  • Stable fracture
  •  Open, compound fracture
  • Transverse fracture
  • Oblique fracture
  •  Comminuted fracture
Bones are regarded as natural healers in the human body. The place where the fracture is located the bones starts producing a number of new cells and along with this it also accelerates the redevelopment of tiny blood vessels that are capable to rebuild the bones.


Following are the main causes of fracture:

  • Due to trauma: Any accident e.g. motor accident, any fall or any kind of tackling during playing any game [foot ball].
  • Disorder osteoporosis:  In this disorder the bones of human being gets weaken and they are more prone to breakage.
  • Repetitive use or over use:  Repeating the same motion again and again makes the muscles tired and result more force on the bones due to which stress fractures takes place. These kinds of fractures are very common among the athletes.


There are some common symptoms, which are found when the bone gets fractured or broken:

  • Contusion or bruising it is the result of the trauma.
  • Soreness or sensitivity to the pain.
  • Swelling of injured area.
  • Some kind of Deformity in which a limb may appears or found “out of place" or sometimes the parts of the bones gets puncture through the skin.

Healing process of broken bones

1.     Supply adequate level of energy to the body: bone healing requires a lot of energy than the expected so person is recommended to increase the intake of calories for faster healing of injured area. If normal person is required 2500 calories every day than the injured person required to have at least 6500 calories. The process of healing gets compromised due to lack of proper supply of calories.

2.     Increase the intake of proteins to enhance the healing process: during fracture body starts the process of building blocks of the protein with each other to synthesis a matrix of protein [a new structural bone]. So the need of protein is too high during the fracture.

3.     Enhance the consumption of the nutrients that are anti- inflammatory: the oxidative damage is repaired with the help of anti oxidants. Antioxidants such as vitamin E and C, alpha-lipoic acid or lycopene.

4.     Consume more minerals: minerals are essential elements which helps the body to build the block which will enhance the healing process.

5.      Increase the intake of the vitamins: where protein and minerals plays the role of building blocks the vitamin are regarded as the catalyst which boosts the many chemical reactions for fat healing are regarded as important component. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K along with vitamin B which produces the energy is required.

Go to the website to check out the best orthopedics doctors in India


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